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NoCoast Beer Co. is continuing to leave its mark in the craft beer world. Two years after opening our doors, we were back at the Best Of Craft Beer Awards, competing against some of the country's’ top breweries.  

This year we took home a gold medal for our newest beer, To Peach Their Own, in the “Berliner-Style Weisse with Fruit or Flavor Added” category and a silver medal for Agricultred Rye Porter in the ”Rye Beer or German-Style Rye Ale” category. Each of these beers competed against thousands of entries from breweries of all sizes across the United States.

Out of the 2,000 total entries only 262 medals were awarded, and we took home 2 of them! We were one of only two breweries in Iowa to win medals!

This was Best of Craft Beer Awards 6th annual competition and is considered the third largest professional brewing competition in the country. Winning these Best of Craft Beer Awards continues to establish us as a major player in the ever-growing craft beer world.

To us, brewing beer isn’t just our jobs, it is our passion. Each one of our beers, from concept to production, is truly a labor of love. Thanks to all those who love our beer as much as we do — and thank you for the continued support!

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NoCoast Beer Co.

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